Junior en Senior -Hotel Belair  28th Japanese Speaking Contest
7 maart
Den Haag
Kreidler toen en Kreidler nu, maar geef mij maar een Puch!
11 maart
Zusje Astrid berichtte onlangs trots, dat ze twee Kreidlers had gekocht. Leuk om te zien dat de fabrikant mee is gegaan met de doelgroep van vroeger!
Want zo zag mijn Kreidler met motor kenteken er uit toen ik 18 jaar oud was (foto links onder)
Deze Kreidler beschouw ik als een jeugdzonde, want eigenlijk reed ik Puch. Zie bijgaande tekening van mijn Puch, getekend door Bob de Kruyff.
Osaka - Japan
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Jennifer selfportrait, oil on canvas
Well it's been a long time coming but I finally proposed to Yuko Osaki! After much deliberation (and sweating on my end) she replied with "yoroshiku onegai shimasu" which translates to "please take good care of me".

On the 22nd of August we had our engagement party and thanks to everyone involved it turned out wonderfully well! Thanks everyone for contributing to make this wonderful day one of the happiest days of my life (and of Yuko's I'm sure)

Dennis and Yuko's Engagement Party Osaka, Japan
22 augustus
Woke me up umpteen times, this bedroom infiltrating blighter, but I could never locate it.

Finally saw it at first daylight while it was using the old 'hide under the ceiling fan' ploy, to no avail.
Well, serves it right, it drew first blood!
Midge misery in the night...
22 juni
Colin Robson and Ethel Robson and
Ben Kalkhoven at Mams Appartment.
27 september
Catching up after 35yrs as if it was yesterday, lots of laughs and smiles and memories and a good time had by all , thank you Ben for making mans day with a surprise visit
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Getting Cinder Toffee at Cloughs Sweetshop,  Heaton - Newcastle Upon Tyne
30 september
At Cloughs sweet shop Heaton Park Road Newcastle Upon Tyne for some Cinder Toffee. Cloughs is a well known shop here and has served many generations. The Cloughs have been behind the counter of their traditional family sweet shop since 1934. See them on facebook https://www.facebook.com/Cloughssweetshop or read http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/heaton-sweet-shop-celebrates-115-6987465
Newcastle Upon Tyne
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Ben en Karen Dennis en Yuko
Ben en Karen Dennis en Yuko
In de Griek met Karen en company
11 oktober
Dennis at TMA Rotterdam, doing his presentation after his internship at Toyobo, Osaka Japan
13 November
His sensei was very pleased and gave him the maximum score (10).
Ben en Yuko (Selfie)
11 November