Senet is an ancient Egyptian game played with two players on a board of thirty squares in three rows of tens.
It appears to be a game that was played nationally dating back to before 3000BC and is known to have been played up into the first century BCE.
Even though the true rules of play are un-know,
Egyptologists have been able to surmise how the game may have been played from fragmented evidence.
The game played today on replica boards does have subtle variations with different symbols painted on the boards. However, the symbols tend to still represent the same precepts regardless of how the game is played.
Senet - WikiHow Rules
(Rules as taken from
Direction of Play:
Houses and their Rules:
There are lots of different reconstructions of the game’s rules to be found on the World Wide Webb. This game follows the rules along the most commonly found and agreed on. This game does not add up score for each user but moves must be made according to the outcome of each individual spin of the game spinner.
A score of 1,4 or 5 permits another go.