Nyout - Professor Finkel's Rules
(Rules as taken from https://a4games.company)
Rules of Play
1. Players spin the die in turn, starting with the Blue Horse

2. Throwing a five or a four allows the player an additonal throw

3. The players enter their men on the mark to the left of that marked with an X (EXIT) and move anti-clockwise according to their throws. The object of the game is to get all four horses around the circle and out at A. If a horse lands on one of the cardinal marks it may short-circuit along a limb of the cross.

4. Each player has four horses

5. If a player's horse catches up with another of his own, he may double them up as a team and then move them around as one piece.

6. If a player's horse moves on to a mark occupied by an opponent's piece the latter is caught and must go back to the beginning and start again. When a player makes a capture
he has an extra turn.

7. When a player throws a 5 or a 4 and has a second throw he may divide the throws between two horses.
8. When a horse is about to enter the board a throw of 5
takes it to the spot marked B and it may move towards the
exit by the radius BE. If the throw is less than 5 but the
next throw brings it to B it may travel along the radius
BE and EA, otherwise it must continue on to C. If it
lands on C it can travel along CE and EA, otherwise
it must continue on towards A, the exit.