Alquerque - Professor Finkel's Rules
(Rules as taken from
Players decide who plays first by throwing two dice. Playing first is generally thought to be disadvantageous because of the lack of options.
The objective of the game is to take all of the opponent's pieces or to produce
a position such that the opponent is unable to move.

Players take turns to move one of their pieces. A piece may only move along
the lines inscribed upon the board. For each turn a piece makes either a
capturing move or an ordinary move.

Whenever a piece has an opponent's piece adjacent to it and the point
immediately beyond the opponent's piece is vacant, the opponent's piece can
be captured. A piece is taken by simply hopping over it into the vacant point
beyond and removing it from the board. Unlike an ordinary move, a capturing
move can consist of several such hops - if a piece takes an opponent's piece
and the new position allows it to take another piece, then it can do so straight

The move finishes when the position of the capturing piece no longer
allows it to taken any more pieces or the player could make another capture
but decides not to.

An ordinary move is made by simply moving a piece along a line to an
adjacent point.

The game is won by the player who first manages to take all his opponent's
pieces or by the player who has more pieces when it becomes apparent that
no more pieces will be taken. Alternatively, a player can win by rendering the
other player unable to move.

A draw occurs by agreement at any point during the game. If it becomes
apparent that no more pieces will be taken and both players have the same
number of pieces left, a draw is agreed.

About moving pieces

Just drag a piece from its position and drop it at the destination as the score of the coins allows. On dragging a piece over an eligible position, a marker will appear, indicating a viable target.